Also, look for earth-friendly, recyclable and biodegradable packaging, further reducing the impact on the environment.
Planning for the 2012 Summer Olympics has included environmental policies such as conservation measures, renewable energy options and biodegradable packaging.
They are used for the production of hydrogels, biodegradable packaging, and to a great extent in biomedical engineering.
Rather than being an environmental benefit, biodegradable packaging probably has an overall negative effect on the environment.
GBC claims on their menu that they use 100% biodegradable packaging.
The third is a mystical-meditative connection that companies have tapped into by emphasizing natural ingredients and biodegradable packaging.
The new Water Piks come in biodegradable packaging, Teledyne says.
We're just the kind of biodegradable packaging.
Namely, that organisms evolved to be the biodegradable packaging of those genes.
The company publishes environmental policies for both of its brands which includes a commitment to recyclable or biodegradable packaging wherever possible.