For creatures with innumerable anatomical and biochemical similarities, not to mention brains that generally reason along parallel tracks, men and women tend to function differently as patients, doctors agree.
Last week the champions of the coelacanth (pronounced SEE-luh-kanth) scored some points when a group of German scientists found a subtle biochemical similarity between the fish and frog tadpoles.
Mrs. Gill-Robinson chose piglets as human substitutes for her experiment, a common practice in medical research because of their biochemical and physiological similarities to humans.
This is apparent from anatomical and biochemical similarities, but, moreover, transitional fossils, such as Permotanyderus and Choristotanyderus, have been discovered to lie between the Mecoptera and Diptera.
This model has been well characterised and possesses clinical, biochemical and pathological similarities to colonic Crohn's disease.
More recently, evidence for common descent has come from the study of biochemical similarities between organisms.
Despite the basic biochemical similarity among all RNA polymerases, sequence and structure comparisons indicate that these enzymes belong to at least five evolutionarily unrelated folds.
In many parts of Mexico, teosinte, an annual plant that shows the greatest biochemical similarity to domesticated corn, is still called Madre de maiz, "mother of maize."
Due to the sequence and biochemical similarities with the RB1 protein, it is thought that the protein encoded by this gene may also be a tumor suppressor.
Bacterial endocarditis from L. garvieae is extremely rare and may actually be underreported due to its morphologic and biochemical similarities with enterococci.