No significant adverse effects were reported and no significant changes in haematological, biochemical, and electrocardiographc parameters were documented.
A correlation between intermittent fasting and significantly improved biochemical parameters associated with the development of diabetic nephropathy.
Several studies have examined the effects of Juice Plus capsules on biochemical parameters associated with cardiovascular function, again with conflicting results.
These biochemical parameters did not differ according to tumour stage or degree of differentiation.
The evaluation of some biochemical parameters in pyridoxine-treated calcium oxalate renal stone formers.
Each entry of the benchmark includes several biochemical parameters associated with the experimental data, along with the method used to determine the affinity.
Effect of chromium supplementation and exercise on body composition, resting metabolic rate and selected biochemical parameters in moderately obese women following an exercise program.
Monitoring of biochemical parameters such as methemoglobin levels, electrolytes, liver and kidney function, urinalysis, and complete blood count is undertaken and any abnormalities are corrected.
A response may be any measurable biochemical or biological parameter that is correlated with exposure to the toxicant.
High-content screening technology allows for the evaluation of multiple biochemical and morphological parameters in intact biological systems.