Understanding a biochemical defect brings us no nearer to understanding the thoughts and actions of the schizophrenic.
The new studies will allow scientists to begin testing scores of compounds for their ability to correct the underlying biochemical defect of the disease.
Thus far, the researchers have found about 45 different biochemical defects resulting from the disorder.
Two other groups are reporting a similar ability to reverse the biochemical defects of cystic fibrosis in next week's issue of Nature.
Most probably the boy's sister had the same biochemical defect.
A major discovery in defining the basic biochemical defect in a skin disease, known as x-linked ichthyosis.
Inherited biochemical defects are rare medical conditions that affect the muscles.
The most prominent form of an inherited biochemical defect is malignant hyperpyrexia.
They said these children might have biochemical defects that prevented them from processing the metal as efficiently as do normal children.
Answer: I was doing brain research in some of the biochemical defects in schizophrenia, using medical imaging techniques that are very computer-intensive.