After having gone through the usual course at the University of Edinburgh, he was bound apprentice to his father, who was in extensive practice.
In 1785 he was bound apprentice to Alexander Meggett, a book-seller at Dalkeith.
He was bound apprentice for seven years to William Cheselden, surgeon at St. Thomas's Hospital, on 2 March 1724.
Edmonstone, born at Kelso in 1794, was bound apprentice to a watchmaker.
Two years later he was bound apprentice as a fitter and turner at the same works.
Having been bound apprentice at the age of ten he spent his life at sea.
He is bound apprentice to Joe, but suddenly finds himself being promised 'great expectations' from a mysterious benefactor by Mr Jaggers.
Grimaldi was nephew of Thomas Worlidge, to whom in 1764 he was bound apprentice for seven years.
Purves in 1756 bound himself apprentice to his uncle, a wright in Dunse, Berwickshire.
This act stated that no boy should be bound apprentice before he was eight years old.