Sunsoft Inc has admitted that a fully binary shrink-wrapped version of Solaris 2.0 on Intel won't be out until the first quarter of 1993.
These are still installed with emerge, just by appending a "-bin" to the package name to instead install the binary version.
This may lead to the need for library developers to provide both 32- and 64-bit binary versions of their libraries.
Since the release of Fedora, Red Hat has no longer made binary versions of its commercial product available free-of-charge.
Primarily due to concerns over patents, the official Xvid web site does not provide binary versions of the Xvid codec.
The latest binary version, still a beta, was released on October 15, 2009.
The process yielded a binary version of the original eight-bit image.
Version 7.0.4, released on January 10, 2006 was the first universal binary version.
The binary version produces either the result that the object exists, or that it doesn't, in the experiential field to which it is applied.
Evaluation versions are available now; the company says, and the extensible binary version will cost $50 for single copies with volume reductions.