This phrase plays both on the concept that in principle any representation can be presented according to the on/off binary logic of computing.
Computer memory is designed with binary logic, multiples are expressed in powers of 2.
I am interested in undercutting such binary logic.
And the Pathfinder landing plays right into such binary logic.
As mentioned previously, the tree works on a binary logic, so each event either succeeds or fails.
In binary logic, the set is limited by the binary yes - no definition, meaning that an object either belongs or not to a cluster.
Each one of those parts of the numerals can be turned on or off using this same binary logic.
The Ancient Greek language (or any other language) has nothing to do with the binary logic that forms the basis of computers' function.
Microchips use binary logic by turning transistors on and off literally, with electricity.
How inevitable is the binary logic of winners and losers?