Before him, above a bin filled with small bobbins, were large bobbins revolving rapidly.
Target the trash cans - 3 rubbish bins filled with rubbish, the tag is hidden inside one of them.
On one wall were bins filled with fruit that appeared mummified.
He'd been slouched against a bin filled with desiccated apples.
Almost every office has one - a document shredder and a bin filled with strips of paper fit for the bottom of a birdcage.
"Oh, I used to worry about whether everything we gave out was perfectly nutritional," he said, strolling between bins filled with soup and spaghetti.
I turned to a bin filled with what looked like unset emeralds the size of walnuts.
And I had a bin filled with about 10 gallons of sealed bottled drinking water should the other supplies run out.
Like most Norton anthologies, at first glance it resembles a recycling bin filled to its nearly 2,500-page brim.
At one side were ranged bins filled with gears, bearings, shafts, electronic components.