Little did most city residents realize, the home telephone number of their billionaire mayor is right there in the phone book.
Who knows what is next for the billionaire mayor and the state official in the camel-hair coat?
Everyone in the cramped hearing room - New York's billionaire mayor probably has bigger walk-in closets - knew that the deal was done.
Some critics have invoked the sort of language typically hauled out for attacks on the billionaire mayor.
Then, after all that, the billionaire mayor could not be approved for instant credit and had to forgo the discount.
What you have is a billionaire mayor who doesn't relate to working people.
Unlike our billionaire mayor, Vinnie Gentile knows how hard it is to make ends meet right now.
No matter how well Ms. Hundt might spin things, however, why would anyone (particularly a billionaire mayor) actually choose a cubicle over an office?
Mr. Bloomberg's minions hate it when he is referred to as the billionaire mayor.
Michael R. Bloomberg, the billionaire mayor, said yesterday he wants people to view him as something other than, well, rich.