The billion-dollar question was whether a devaluation of the dollar would jeopardize New York's position as a financial centre.
To get to the bottom of this billion-dollar question, I drove a couple of American cars around Tokyo for 10 days.
The billion-dollar question is, will returns continue to rise?
I guess that's the billion-dollar question in 2004.
These are billion-dollar questions, and in recent years, researchers have been scrambling to answer them.
"The billion-dollar question is by how much?"
The billion-dollar question is, how has Horizon, a nonprofit entity, managed to accumulate this money it seeks to barter to become a for-profit company?
How low they should go is "the billion-dollar question, because no one knows what an adequate level should be," Dr. Lane said.
The billion-dollar question is whether the president is actually up to the task of running this country which is extremely difficult to govern.
Except now the harrowing doubts of adolescence are the billion-dollar questions of our age.