But a bill introduced in the House of Representatives last month threatens to cripple this site.
Their matching bills threaten entrenched interests, and that is exactly why they deserve a close look and wide support.
But the bill threatens to crimp diversity by permitting one owner to take control of a community's major newspaper, television and cable companies.
The pedicab industry said the bill threatened its drivers' livelihood.
While the fund has reduced the financial burden that those fees have imposed on them, the bills nonetheless threaten to eat into their assets.
A bill pending in Congress now threatens to undermine that work, weakening copyright law in the process.
How do gas companies manage to send bills to people without a supply - and then threaten them with court action for non-payment?
With its provisions, the bill threatens federal agencies' ability to protect public health and safety.
The bill threatened to withhold money from agencies that failed to provide telecommuting options to all eligible employees.