And the bill for imported oil rose slightly, when it had been expected to decline.
One school said the bill for exams had risen from £70,000 to £130,000 in the past few years.
On average, a customer's bill in Manhattan rose to $30.18 a month from $27.33.
As the medical bills rose, so too did the family's resentment of her.
The answer is in your quote, bills are rising, it's just a matter of how much we want them to go up by.
By 10am, the word was that the total bill had risen to €1.5bn.
But the current bill doesn't even rise to the blood-money level.
Those bills are rising about 9 percent a year, almost three times the rate of inflation.
But individual bills would rise, he said, if people consume more power than they did last summer.
Well the plan is to cut money given to the poorest in the country at a time when bills are rising fast.