S 3546, a bill reauthorizing Native American Language programs, was reported out of the U.S. Senate Committee on Indian Affairs on September 20.
The debate came as the Senate began considering a bill reauthorizing the Elementary and Secondary School Act for another five years.
In a little-noticed bill reauthorizing welfare reform this year, Congress earmarked $750 million over five years for programs to promote "healthy marriages" and "responsible fatherhood."
Today's fireworks and barbecues ought to put members of the House of Representatives in just the right patriotic mood to move forward with a bill reauthorizing AmeriCorps.
The bill reauthorizing the Interstate System was drafted by the United States Department of Transportation (USDOT).
In a recent bill reauthorizing the National Sea Grant College Program, Congress also redefined the Great Lakes to include Lake Champlain.
The bill reauthorizing the Higher Education Act, which will probably come up for a vote in early 2006, contains the full, sweeping repeal.
They eventually agreed not to force a vote after House leaders assured them they would get a chance later this summer, when a bill reauthorizing the family planning program is brought to the floor.
But they bogged down today over fights over a parks and public-lands bill and a bill reauthorizing the Federal Aviation Administration.
Education: Vote on passage of a bill reauthorizing for five years the Elementary and Secondary Education Act.