Active Legislation is one of several resources that will help you find bill numbers.
For further information on this important legislation, please visit and enter the bill number of S. 1680.
You can search by key word or by bill number.
Search for how members of Congress voted, by bill number, or keyword.
It would be nice to see this statement made explicitly, and conversely, to always provide the bill number when it's available.
If you'd like to know how I voted on a particular bill, start with the following links using the bill number and/or date.
I can't tell you exactly where it is in here, but each binder has an index by bill number.
If you know the specific bill number, or the name of the government agency with which you seek assistance, please include it.
There was my name up there next to the bill number and all these green lights.
You can do fielded searches by bill number, sponsor, word or phrase.
Active Legislation is one of several resources that will help you find bill numbers.
For further information on this important legislation, please visit and enter the bill number of S. 1680.
You can search by key word or by bill number.
Search for how members of Congress voted, by bill number, or keyword.
It would be nice to see this statement made explicitly, and conversely, to always provide the bill number when it's available.
If you'd like to know how I voted on a particular bill, start with the following links using the bill number and/or date.
I can't tell you exactly where it is in here, but each binder has an index by bill number.
If you know the specific bill number, or the name of the government agency with which you seek assistance, please include it.
There was my name up there next to the bill number and all these green lights.
You can do fielded searches by bill number, sponsor, word or phrase.