"This bill ensures that our law enforcement keep the tools they already have in place to root out and prosecute terrorists."
This bill ensures the government is not turning off the faucet on jobs and families in our communities.
This bill ensures that all new spending is deficit-neutral.
The bill will ensure that more drug and alcohol addicts receive treatment, he says.
The bill he'd slipped into themaitre d's palm had ensured them a table with a view.
He said the bill would ensure that "the 49 other states don't have to and the Federal Government does not have to."
A bill to ensure America's credit worthiness to our investors in the event of a default on the debt limit.
This bill would ensure that women give informed consent before undergoing an abortion of their unborn child.
As well, the bill ensures that no religious institution or clergy will be forced to perform a ceremony against their beliefs.
Such a bill would ensure that no future governor can strike down the executive order.