The bill ends the 60-year-old entitlement that requires Washington to split the costs of state welfare programs.
The bills of bee-eaters are curved, long and end in a sharp point.
But the bill will by no means end the racial acrimony that had created such pressure for a compromise in the first place.
The bill would also end a form of political censorship.
The three- and six-month bills both ended at 5.11 percent.
The bill would not only end the tax, but in effect allow companies to claim refunds of the tax back to 1986.
Harrison thought that the bill would end the controversy, and he signed it into law.
The bill will end a long, frustrating period in which no one has really been answerable for the city schools' quality.
A bill that the Senate passed last spring would end the fiction of a temporary tax by making it permanent.
The real reason for the veto was that the bill would have ended the "soft money" loophole.