To see a list of bills sponsored and co-sponsored by Delegate Jenkins:
'We've all seen this initiative stymied far too long', Senator said about her bill, co-sponsored by Senator.
A bill to that effect, co-sponsored by Senator Dodd, was previously introduced and passed in the Senate, but has yet to get through the House.
These restrictions are included in a bill co-sponsored by 72 of the 203 members of the State House of Representatives.
A bill co-sponsored by 29 Democrats would go further, requiring the cutoff for participants but letting states re-admit 10 percent of those dropped.
One bill, co-sponsored by Senator Bill Bradley of New Jersey, seeks mainly to control the firearms trade.
The other bill, co-sponsored by Senator Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio, has similar provisions but goes further.
He sat through long stretches of discussion over the bill, co-sponsored by his father, that created the Interstate System of highways.
This bill, co-sponsored by Senator Schwartz, focused on adding coal mine methane gas as an eligible energy resource under Colorado's renewable energy portfolio.
The House plans to vote soon on a misguided bill, co-sponsored by over 200 representatives, that would remove from the Federal budget four transportation trust funds.