The school has a bilateral partnership with three foreign secondary schools in Germany, Poland and Czech Republic.
The case for a strong bilateral partnership between Britain and Turkey has never been stronger, writes William Hague.
The issue of the shared military facilities in Bulgaria comes also within the context of our bilateral strategic partnership.
Numerous cooperative projects are either underway or envisioned, and bilateral and multilateral partnerships are deepening.
As we recover from the current economic crisis, the case for a strong bilateral partnership between Britain and Turkey has never been stronger.
Recently, China has said that "Sino-Indian ties" would be the most "important bilateral partnership of the century".
The resultant equal bilateral partnership is in the interests of both countries.
The program functions as bilateral partnerships with a number of schools.
This objective is thwarted by the bilateral strategic partnership with Brazil.
This summit was presented as a summit for dialogue, genuinely bilateral partnership and common sharing of responsibilities.