He also promoted Iran's bilateral links and financial support for Cuba.
Although President Clinton has described America's relationship with Japan as perhaps its most important bilateral link, the disagreements between the two are substantial and enduring.
The party demanded nationalizations of key industries, equality for national minorities and development of bilateral links with the Soviet Union.
Kisiliov carried a message from Soviet President Gorbachev promising the renewal and development of bilateral links and collaboration in areas of mutual interest [see also p. 38229].
William Wallace, "Britain's bilateral links within Western Europe" (London:Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984)
Pakistan-Qatar relations refer to the bilateral links between Pakistan and the State of Qatar.
"The stage has been set for follow-up talks and discussions," said Mr. de Klerk, who predicted that bilateral links would develop.
They also discussed ways to improve and strengthen bilateral links, including through cooperation and trade and economic relations based on the recommendations of the Commission communication.
Fraser also showed a renewed interest in the Commonwealth and created bilateral links with Japan, the ASEAN countries, South Korea and Communist China.
Relations between the two countries are now cordial, with strong trade and many new bilateral links.