Yosuke, along with three of his biker friends, is also on his way to meet with Itsuki.
Afterwards, they begin to live increasingly separate lives as Reggie becomes more involved with his biker friends, especially the eccentric Pete (Dudley Sutton).
Powe said he was "awakened by the Lord" to get him and his biker friends together and help replace the toys that were lost in the flood.
I wonder where your biker friend stored the body.
If he tries to get tough, just sic a couple of your biker friends on him.
Your biker friends would think that was fat city.
Karlsson and his biker friends go to Stockholm to finish off his old nemesis Rotgar.
I only learned it was c.s. when a biker friend told me that's what it sounded like.
Shaggy has to complete the rest of the escape on sheer guts, and with some help from his new biker friends.
When Don asks her whether she has a son, she becomes enraged, which results in one of her biker friends punching Don out.