The bikes, made by a handful of manufacturers worldwide, weigh about 20 pounds (less for children) and are not hard to carry on lifts.
The bike weighs 288 lbs with oil, grease, and petrol.
The bike is 8 feet long and weighs about 31 pounds.
This bike weighs 1,100 pounds and costs more than $30,000.
Since the bike only weighs 267lb dry, it's inherently flickable and agile.
The bikes for women, named "Phoenix," weigh around 36 pounds, and cost 130 pesos, roughly $25-$30.
All-in-all, the bike weighs in at 181 kg (398 lb).
Once packed in cardboard boxes my bike nearly weighed that on its own.
Without fluids the bike weighs 385 pounds.
At 31 pounds, the bike weighs about the same as a standard all-terrain bike.