He tells them his show did not go well, and makes some casually bigoted remarks about race and sexuality.
He himself often gives out what he sees as the harsh truth to people, but what others consider to be offensive and even bigoted remarks.
Governor Kunin said today that this was "an outrageous statement that has no foundation in fact," and "a very unfortunate bigoted remark."
Notice that they indeed punished one of their own, Marge Schott, when her bigoted remarks created a national furor.
Over the course of several months, he made what many people considered bigoted remarks about blacks, Jews and homosexuals.
Her bigoted remarks during the evening turned me off.
His suitability to run the department had been compromised by his penchant for bigoted remarks and behavior.
When Arthur goes to a party with Howard, a few guests make bigoted remarks behind his back.
"But some of the bigoted remarks attributed to Farrakhan have caused a lot of other people a lot of pain."
It is true that bigoted remarks may indicate emotional disturbance.