He became the bassist of choice whenever a big-name musician was touring Copenhagen.
The band toured throughout the United States and helped back big-name musicians on the stage and in the recording studio.
Photographs of other big-name musicians and songwriters were sometimes used on covers as well, but most often it would be a drawing.
GRP Band members were all big-name musicians in the 1980s and 1990s jazz scene.
Although Ms. Carey had the splashiest parting with her label, she's not the only big-name musician to be shown the door lately.
In Emeryville, northwest of Oakland, this huge jazz supper club books big-name musicians and the occasional comedy act.
Most nights include live music, sometimes with big-name musicians taking a break from their gigs in the arenas farther north.
For lesser souls, samplers offer a chance to work with big-name musicians.
He decided he would rather build up Lizzy's career from the ground up than jump into another band that had big-name musicians in it.
A few doors from Mr. Brandman's hotel is Rockwood Music Hall, a bar where big-name musicians play on a tiny stage.