Now the cherry blossoms are looking lovely in a big urn next to my fireplace.
Time was measured by placing a brass bowl having a minute hole in its bottom into a big urn filled with water.
He stopped to get coffee from the big urn at the construction supervisor's shack.
Take a big urn and set a fire under it.
If anything his thirst was worse now and he moved across to the big urn, thrust the empty milk jug beneath the tap.
We used to collect the milk in the big urns and take it out to people's houses, serving it out of the ladle.
A tea drinker, she isn't sure how to make a single cup of coffee in the big urn, but is willing to try.
Tea is self-serve, from a big urn in the middle of the bright, fluorescent room.
Harlan poured them all coffee from a big black urn on the counter while Pokey dished up the stew.
There are rows of double-headed eagles on those two big urns by the front steps.