I've seen several big sombreros which are unusual and rather pretty.
"Shot through the head, both of them, Killed by the first slug," Slowly Larkin removed his big sombrero.
For her farewell number, she prances around the stage in a big sombrero with a moving rubber hand sticking up from the center.
In Tucson, it's exciting if you wear a big sombrero.
Immediately, a gate opened in the wall and a rough-clad Mexican with a big sombrero beckoned the stranger to enter.
The men wore the big sombreros and the traditional Spanish charro suit with the silver studs on the pants and a big bow.
Another responded, "Would you have preferred a big blue sombrero?"
"It was these folkloric images of Mexico - rural imagery, big skies, big sombreros."
Roosevelt whipped off his big sombrero and wigwagged it in farewell.
Speedy Gonzalez, the litte Mexican mouse with the big sombrero, barely made it on screen.