It would not prevent huge destruction in a big hurricane or tsunami, since such events can reach well inland.
Their first summer, 1938, was the year of the big hurricane in Connecticut.
For 25 years, from 1970 to 1995, few big hurricanes hit the United States.
What's the potential for loss out here if the last big hurricane was in 1938?
Will New Orleans be protected from the next big hurricane?
C1 Conditions seen as ripe for a big hurricane season.
The next big hurricane will probably wash this old house out to sea, but I've been fortunate so far.
If ever there was a year for big hurricanes to strike Long Island, 2005 would seem to be it.
And it's possible that we'll see bigger hurricanes more often.
He did not even come back to shepherd his family to safety during Carla, the big hurricane of 1962.