Everyone yearned for a big gust of cold air, but Mrs. Roosevelt demurred.
As he sails out of the harbor a big gust strikes the boat and he is knocked unconscious by the boom.
A big gust of wind hit me at the top and almost flipped the boat over.
Once they're airborne they could be blown out to sea by a big gust of wind, so we'll have to hope for that.
"There I am, trying to stuff these itsy-bitsy tomatoes and a big gust of wind sends the boat heeling," she recalled.
I maybe took a little glance, hoping there was a big gust of wind.
"The first one felt like a big gust of wind," she said.
A big gust knocked us over on our side, but Stewy managed to let the mainsheet off in time to right us.
Then I caught a big gust and went flying forward.
Weeping and hitching in big watery gusts of air, Trisha fell asleep.