Kottamala Hill provide the effect of a big fort, which is famous for its stretch of 2.5 km.
This fort complex is considered as the biggest medieval fort of eastern India.
It might have had a big fort on top of the hill.
The big forts had as many as 2000 men, the smaller 600.
Close to the big fort, it was even hotter, fuelled by the fires that blazed unchecked in the building.
The walls of the temple resemble a big fort and the village has been formed around these walls in a very organized manner.
The town also has a big fort around 300 to 400 years old.
He made a big fort at a strategic point and gathered all his available forces there.
No one wants to know that a bunch of girls dressed up as soldiers and broke into a big fort and let out half an army.
"The Mogul period gave us nothing, only big forts," he said.