Then the wizard looked down at the six big coins in his hand.
The lack of the sound of a big coin pay out is a turnoff for some players.
They could not hold the big 500-yen coins, which are needed because even a short trip on a Tokyo expressway costs 700 yen, or about $8.25.
That also helped, and they didn't have to be very big coins.
Melchiscdech set the big coin on the steersman's sideboard there in the cabin.
He picked up the big coins, let them ring sweetly against the counter.
Extra lives are plentiful, and you can also buy more lives with the big coins you collect throughout the levels.
Depending on whether they choose bigger or smaller coins, the churches could be facing a 30 percent drop in revenue.
They have a specific talent, get lucky, and the slot machine of life starts coughing up the big coin, temporarily.