Barnes & Noble, the nation's biggest bookseller, has been struggling to catch up to Amazon after a slow start in the on-line market.
"There's no doubt that we looked at the big booksellers and hope to capitalize on their success pulling in patrons through their restaurant sections."
Forty thousand new titles are published every year, which keeps the big booksellers busy.
After calling in at two big booksellers, he made for his club, and closeted himself in the telephone booth.
Others play down the competitive threat, saying big booksellers will enter cyberspace reluctantly, fearing cannibalization of their traditional stores.
They have taken a page from the big booksellers and started selling coffee near the stacks.
It's to lure them online, away from big booksellers and other retailers, and then sell them other stuff.
The charity store has become the biggest second-hand bookseller in Europe, and the third largest general book retailer in Britain.
Give him greater discounts than you give to the bigger bookseller.
The country's biggest bookseller W.H. Smith based in Swindon have been campaigning against any tax on books.