Make sure you match the bid specification and answer all the questions.
One city audit concluded that some bid specifications were so confusing that only Shoup, as the longtime contractor, would understand them.
For instance, in 1983 city investigators concluded that the board had made important changes in bid specifications and had told only its long-time printers.
Before you price a tender, check the instructions in your client's bid specification.
Mr. Gerber of the redevelopment corporation said bid specifications, to be advertised this summer, will include his agency's 2003 time frame.
It took almost a year for the city to work out bid specifications, and for companies to respond.
Other bidders said they believed that the arena's demolition was required to meet bid specifications, and sued on those and other grounds.
The plan's retail component was also in line with the bid specifications, the court ruled.
Carroll attributed the overrun to items not included in the original bid specifications.
Every group who use sports facilities managed by their Local Authority should make sure that provision for their space is included in bid specifications.