This bid usually shows a weak two-bid in one of the major suits, but occasionally, as here, indicates a hand worth a two no-trump opening.
A misere bid usually indicates an extremely poor hand, hence the name.
On first inspection, the bids indicated that private collection would be cheaper than having the sanitation union's members do the job, Mayor Goode said.
A minimal-level bid of a suit indicates a weak hand (normally, below 9 high-card points).
The bid also indicated that the state would enlarge the Rutgers stadium to 70,000 seats from its current size, fewer than 30,000, if any games were awarded.
If the current bid already indicates there will be no trump suit, that bid may only be bettered with a higher number of books.
High bids would indicate more optimism for their future.
Each bid must indicate the trump suit or no trump and the number of tricks to be taken, from six to ten.
The six-club bid indicates a strong suit, and the grand slam becomes a good bet.
The next bid indicates suitability for slam: