See also the bibliographic entries under Shape note.
For people who are not in the recipient countries, a web-based version, with the 10,000+ bibliographic entries, but without the full text PDFs, can be accessed here.
It is designed for use off-line in reading the DBLP, which consists of 910,000 bibliographic entries, as of July 2007.
Written in Java programming language, this code shows the bibliographic entry in several types of screens, ranging from graphics to text:
The EIC and editorial board either write the bibliographic entries themselves, or they select other scholars to do the work.
Along the way, he - and we - learn a lot about bibliographic entries and entities, as well as how to derive plots from computer games.
Management of bibliographic entries and labels.
At the end of 2008 there were more than 4.2 million records which represent about 2.8 million unique (in terms of normalized title and authors' last names) bibliographic entries.
The first issue in May 1978 was a bibliographic listing only, but thereafter most bibliographic entries were accompanied by a short abstract.
The bibliographic entries are searched by categories such as title, author, keyword, and subject.