"We're trying to get back to the biblical meaning of the jubilee year," he said.
Quicksand was so named because the soil particles move around and appear to be 'alive' (the biblical meaning of 'quick' - as opposed to 'dead').
In order to capture the biblical meaning, the translators chose the phrase "burnt offering" to replace "holocaust" throughout the text in reference to sacrifices made to God.
What he never fully engages is why his own position - that the meaning of any text, constitutional or biblical, is almost infinitely pliable - might not lead to arbitrariness, spiritual and legal.
A dissection of the original biblical meaning of the allegories by the sometimes controversial 18th century writer Emanuel Swedenborg is given in the Explanation of his Apocalypse Revealed.
Named "Eran" which is the biblical meaning of "An aware person".
His father Haim named the family "Ben-Shahar" which has the biblical meaning of "Son of Dawn".
PK also argues that the "biblical" (as opposed to "secular") meaning of leadership is service and that the Bible, while instructing wives to submit to their husbands, also instructs husbands to submit to their wives.
Mr. Claypoole also recalled that an elderly Pennsylvania Dutch woman had recently told him that all barn stars had forever had a biblical meaning.
His eyes seemed to lock onto hers as Michael continued to speak eloquently of the biblical meaning of marriage, and Maggie felt her own eyes mist over and blur as the couple repeated their promises to one another.