The war being over, Pope Benedict repeats the biblical mandate to the ends of the earth and preach the gospel.
He introduces several Southern Baptist women who affirm the biblical mandate to be submissive to male authority while maintaining belief in their independence.
They say they have a biblical mandate to be good stewards of God's creation and a responsibility to the poor who are especially harmed by pollution.
An exploration of current events, and America's role in them, in light of the biblical mandates for Israel.
There is a biblical mandate to do that.
That is the biblical mandate.
Conservative Protestants see tithing - offering a portion, usually a tenth, of one's income back to God and the church - as a biblical mandate.
This doctrine derives from the biblical mandate to be holy as God is Holy (Lev 20.26).
Since then, he has spoken more than 900 times in churches, schools and to media outlets about the biblical mandate to care for the Earth.
"If the Vatican tended to stick to issues of justice and peace - issues where they have a clear biblical mandate - their credibility could be maintained."