It is described as a trail that "delves into the grand scale of biblical landscapes as well as the everyday lives of the modern Israeli."
To preserve this biblical landscape and olive trees older than 2,000 years , on 23 ha with about 1,500 trees in 1963.
There's a veritable rain of fire today over these biblical landscapes of Upper Galilee, not to speak of a storm of steel.
Bible in the Boroughs The gritty streets of New York would seem to be as far from a biblical landscape as anyone could go.
Mr. Shipler, looking like a youthful patriarch, narrates his documentary amid the biblical landscape dear to two peoples.
Recurring themes in his work were the biblical landscape, folklore and people, including Yemenite, Hasidic Jews and Arabs.
And the view from Megiddo is spectacular, one of the few remaining biblical landscapes.
As light seeps in, a free-standing ruin emerges from obscurity, revealing an Italianate scene with six dancers set against a biblical landscape.
Rain sometimes did not fall for eight months, so he has an idea of the biblical landscape.
Despite its eagle's-nest setting above a biblical landscape, Abu Dis seems a long way from anyone's idea of a capital.