Biblical authority entails but is not exhausted by questions raised by biblical inerrancy, biblical infallibility, biblical interpretation, biblical criticism, and Biblical law in Christianity.
They embraced evolutionary concepts, stated that man was good by default and abandoned the doctrine of biblical infallibility.
There was a controversy during the Council on whether the Roman Catholic Church taught biblical infallibility or biblical inerrancy.
TVBSC began after a group of Independent Baptist pastors agreed to establish an institution in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, where biblical infallibility and inerrancy of Scripture would prevail without dissent or questioning.
He says, "The development of ideas of 'biblical infallibility' or 'inerrancy' within Protestantism can be traced to the United States in the middle of the nineteenth century".
They embraced evolutionary concepts, asserted the "inherent goodness of man", and abandoned the doctrine of biblical infallibility, rejecting most of the miraculous events in the Bible (including the virgin birth).
Our confessions do teach biblical infallibility.
Though they attribute both crusades to biblical infallibility, a hidden belief is at work here.
They believe in, and hold a high regard for, the penal substitution of the atonement of Christ on the Cross at Calvary, biblical infallibility, and the need for every person to personally experience a relationship with God.
Your denial of the history of literal creationism and biblical infallibility was astounding, but the other bit should've been expected I suppose.