The painting "Exodus" is symbolic for the entire series, Elron mixes elements from the past and the present creating a modern image of the biblical heroes.
No gold was found on Goliath's head, in obvious contrast to the biblical hero.
He would work on the massive biblical hero for more than two years.
A case in point: Jacobs refers to Absalom as a "biblical hero" (wrong!)
Michelangelo was careful to temper the athletic warrior with spiritual attributes fitting a young biblical hero.
Images of chopped-down cherry trees and biblical heroes and Jimmy Stewart movies flooded my head and infused a karmic peace unlike any known to me.
In Judaism, there is no classical or formal recognition of saints, but there is a long history of reverence shown toward biblical heroes and martyrs.
I love biblical heroes, but I think biblical heroes are a compilation of many characters.
Another biblical hero, Noah, best known for his building an ark to save animals and worthy people from a divinely caused flood, later became a wine-maker.
His name is a play on the name Samson, in reference to the biblical hero.