In any event, a bias favoring Newton tainted the whole affair from the outset.
His role was a main focus of an April 9 hearing in Mr. Glenn's committee on charges of the commission's "bias" favoring the industry.
He said the 40-year plan "continues the historical bias favoring New Jersey over New York."
Some of the many biases favoring more attractive people are discussed.
A 2010 Cochrane review found a slight benefit during the first few weeks of treatment of schizophrenia however raised concerns regarding bias favoring risperidone.
Oliver did a theoretical analysis illustrating that neutral referees who just make errors randomly introduce a bias favoring underdogs.
Mr. Cannon, a lawyer for domestic industry, thinks turnabout is fair play: "For years," he said, "we fought against a bias favoring respondents."
Critics, such as Ravi Batra, argue that the capitalist system has inherent biases favoring those who already possess greater resources.
Also, among currently known comets there is a bias favoring those with short perihelion distances.
Higher μ means a stronger bias favoring quarks over antiquarks.