In a world in which international finance has become bewilderingly complex and fast-paced, currency movements are among the most difficult trends to predict.
But as they descended deeper into the bewilderingly complex route of tunnels, the air became noticeably warmer, and the soldiers noticeably less comfortable with the warmth.
He has tried to bring to light a meaningful way of looking at what at first sight seem bewilderingly complex structures.
Although it is bewilderingly complex, the agreement at its core gave players the right to free agency after four years in the league.
Dairy supports and pricing are bewilderingly complex.
A rack of bewilderingly complex guns stood to one side of what might have been a cluster of black-body satellites gathered together to resemble a carousel.
Besides making the tax code bewilderingly complex, the layering of credits creates other problems.
Challenging the taxes can be bewilderingly complex.
In their attempt to live morally and truthfully, the literati developed a world view that seems simple on the surface and bewilderingly complex underneath.
And indeed, because G.E.'s businesses remain bewilderingly complex, investors need all the help they can get.