Amid a bewildering number of options, the record companies that can draw attention to their releases will still have an edge.
Six outside states are fighting inside Congo alone, with at least 35,000 soldiers, men and boys, battling for a bewildering number of reasons.
She seemed always to know what he was thinking and knew exactly how to be herself at all times, through a bewildering number of registers.
An only child, she was shunted between a bewildering number of boarding schools.
But he said the bewildering number of new schools made him uneasy.
Also, a bewildering number of relatives began to arrive in Town and all paid calls.
My next challenge is to choose the right varieties, but there are a bewildering number.
It has a bewildering number of options, which may be impressive but they can also confuse.
This can leave an elderly person alone and facing a bewildering number of losses at the same time.
Modern recovery vehicles come with a bewildering number of accessories.