Suddenly, again without an apparent cut, he stands up, and he is back at home, closing the door on his bewildered parents.
The name's just the legacy of my ethnically bewildered parents.
His somewhat bewildered parents have always been supportive of his business efforts.
We give awkwardly, thrusting our favorite poetry upon bewildered parents.
She has already helped another struggling newborn to breathe, and reassured several sets of bewildered parents.
Dismissing adults - and particularly his bewildered parents - gives him "a cold joy every time."
I thought you seemed like a bewildered parent.
World Book's layout is clear and intuitive, which is particularly useful for children and their bewildered parents.
When we were kids, we created our own language, whispering to each other as our bewildered parents looked on.
Hardly the sort of stuff that should be occupying the mind of the bewildered parent of a 7-day-old.