The histologic distinction between benign and malignant parathyroid tumors is difficult to make.
Advances in genetic analysis may eventually allow scientists to distinguish between tumors that are potentially deadly and those that will remain harmless.
Tumors are highly heterogeneous and antigen expression differs markedly between tumors (even within deposits in the same patient).
Furthermore, current data show that significant similarities and differences exist between canine and human mammary tumors at the molecular level.
The link between radioactive exposure and tumors can, however, be drawn statistically.
So studying gene patterns could become a way to discriminate between deadly and not-so-deadly tumors, or to predict which drug will work best for a particular patient.
An association between solid tumors and LCH has also been reported.
One big problem in cancer surgery is where is the margin between tumors and healthy tissue?
These findings highlight the important differences between embryonal and alveolar tumors.
By doing so, he was able to establish the difference as seen on an X-ray image between cancerous and non-cancerous tumors in the breast.