After this reconciliation, all is well between the Emperor, the son, and his fiancée.
There was a great deal of disturbed and hostile territory between him and the Emperor.
For the next two or three months the breach between the Emperor and the minister, although far from closed, was not sensibly widened.
Soldiers were falling back before it, but still they formed a wall between the beast and the Emperor.
Here the Pope was to further aggravate the already poor relationship between himself and the Emperor.
Confucianism is characterized by building a strong connection between son, father, and then the Emperor.
In 1148, war broke out between Otto and the Emperor.
However Alypia's marriage did not bring peace between the Emperor and his general, possibly because the two of them had no children.
"That argument between the Emperor and his witch has gone on long enough, don't you think, Mother?"
The treatment of her son created a strife between her husband and the Emperor.