Today's game in Orlando between the Bulls and the Magic may offer some insight into that question.
He did very well in 1992, hitting a combined 26 home runs between the Bulls and Greenville Braves.
Anderson was the catalyst, threading passes in the third quarter between the Bulls interior defense.
This will be the first meeting between the Buckeyes and the Bulls.
Last year, the average rating for the six games between the Jazz and the Bulls was 18.7, the highest ever for the finals.
Negotiations between Jackson and the Bulls have dragged on, but why should he worry?
It looks like the East is going to be between the Bulls and the Heat.
Some real tension was created between the Knicks and the Bulls.
The clash between the Bulls and their attempted guests cannot be resolved through law in any satisfactory manner.
The overall series record between the Bulls and Huskies is 4-15 with Connecticut leading.