Between its mainline operation and subsidiaries, Delta employs approximately 80,000 people.
The first drawback of a polycentric approach is that the "benefits of global coordination between subsidiaries such as the development of economies of scale cannot be realized."
This trend saw music recording companies being consolidated with film, television, magazines, and other media companies, an approach which facilitated cross-marketing promotion between subsidiaries.
But while subsidiary costs plunged with gratifying speed, communications between subsidiaries remained virtually non-existent.
Catterson also observed that e-mail links between plants and subsidiaries of the same company can give union negotiators the advantage of surprise.
The 'Unitary' Approach The method, known as worldwide combined reporting, made no distinction between subsidiaries doing business in California and those operating elsewhere.
Inter-company transfers' are movements of stock between subsidiaries or branches of the same legal entity/business based in different Member States.
I am also pleased that relations between parent companies and subsidiaries have been better defined.
Their exchanges were littered with talk of tax avoidance, of selling between subsidiaries to inflate prices artificially, of packaging placebos as panaceas.
To almost anyone outside the Beltway, the distinction between affiliates and subsidiaries appears arcane.