You can see the emotional connection between the runners and spectators every step of the way.
The event develops into a fight between spectators and the $5,000 bail is not raised.
But each piece offers a different view of the dance between artwork and spectator made possible in the virtual world.
The main hall is designed as an amphitheater with close contact between spectators and athletes.
It generated lively interaction between local spectators and the dancers.
And where is the line between spectator and participant in the heat of combat?
As is common in many German zoos, barriers between spectators and animals are minimal.
I think there's a transparent wall, an ever bigger one, between digital spectators and direct interaction or transaction.
He has almost doubled the capacity of the old auditorium but maintained an intimacy between spectators and stage.
Breaking the fourth wall between performer and spectator, it replaces criticism with support.