The officer education is founded on the synergy between military skills, academic knowledge, physical capacity and personal development.
Job component validity is the relationship between test scores and skills required for good job performance.
We need a kind of cultural change all across the system, to sell young people on the relationship between good jobs and skills.
The study will test several hypotheses about the relation between perceptual and cognitive skills.
The relationship between high school courses and marketable skills is tenuous.
Officials say the certificate has helped focus students on the connection between skills taught in school and the skills required for work.
The emphasis is on learning experiences which help children make connections between existing knowledge and new skills and information.
In this manner, children see the connections between skills learned and their importance in real life.
The connection between confirmation bias and social skills was corroborated by a study of how college students get to know other people.
The experiment may show whether there is a correlation between tool making and other cognitive skills, such as language.