There's been a war between humans and rats for ever!
Practice tunnels were being dug willy-nilly owing to the lack of communication between rats and other species.
He receives a scar from Solovet (see below) before his decision that the war between humans and rats must end.
Was there really much distinction between savage people and savage rats?
This behavior is defined by a specific sequence of actions that does not normally differ between individual rats.
He says the 13-year-old David Duke's observation of differences between white and black rats "had a profound impression."
The physiological differences between rats and humans with regard to prolactin make the clinical significance of these findings unclear.
They're rather like a cross between rats and hamsters.
Indeed, at times it seemed that a battle for dominion was being waged between residents and rats.
The structure of Alpha-internexin is highly conserved between rats, mice and humans.