His performances are caught on the borderline between image and presentation and they perturb us through their apparent incompatibility with our spacial experiences.
He creates, analyses and proofs the connection between presentation, history, attraction and form of Art itself.
"Later on you can start exploring the differences between packaging or presentation and the object itself," he continued.
The distinction between "presentation" (front end) and "business logic" (infrastructure) is usually an important one, because:
By varying the interval between presentation of target and test stimuli Moscovitch et al.
It's the difference between good presentation and a little better presentation.
Successful TV-producers are probably smart enough to protect their shows by screening & checking the candidates, but where is the line between exposure and presentation?
Patients with latent melioidosis may be symptom free for decades; the longest period between presumed exposure and clinical presentation is 62 years.
Our work is meant to walk the line between parody and serious dramatic presentation.
Still, there is a very fine line between creative presentation, co-production and production in this directly creative sense.